Map of fallout new vegas
Map of fallout new vegas

map of fallout new vegas

What is the size of nvs map in square miles. Either way theres a lot to be said for building the illusion of size through careful map design. Each grid square contains a different amount of cells as a result. No fallout 3 and new vegas are roughly the same size its just that the nv world map has to cover a lot of unplayable area due to its irregular shape so the map scalezoom is different. Fallout 3 felt quite a bit smaller particularly because its less hillymountainous i think. New vegas map explained by chris avellone during the rezzed 2013 developer sessions. New vegas the mojave wasteland interactive map. All game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of zenimax media or its licensors. at 114pm new vegas has more open areas since fallout 3 clustered pretty much everything into about 20 of the map. Content is available under cc by sa 30 unless otherwise noted.Īpparently theyre the same map size roughly 16 square miles 4. Maps have been colored red to signify unplayable or unreachable areas. Fallout new vegas map is not 24000.įallout 4 Explorable Map Size Finally Detailed 3 82 Square Miles Selffallout submitted 4 years ago by.įallout new vegas map size. This page was last edited on 27 november 2018 at 1340.

Map of fallout new vegas